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Pink MacaRON - BaRon's birthday project 2018 [ENG]

by 내 사랑하는 바론 2018. 4. 15.


This is the review for 2018 Baron's birthday project [PINK MACARON].

I picked the name "Pink MacaRon" as it combines two meanings that I think applies to BaRon.


(from Color-Meanings.com)

The color pink represents caring, compassion and love. 

It stands for unconditional love and understanding, and is associated with giving and receiving care. 

In color psychology, pink is a sign of hope. 

It is a positive color that inspires warm and comforting feelings. 

The color gives the feeling that everything will go well or be okay.

I think that BaRon represents these feelings very well.

Which is why I always associate him with the color pink.


I picked MacaRon as it is word play, placing emphasis on the "Ron" part to indicate it's relation to BaRon.

I also chose the treat macarons as it is a sweet meringue-based confection.

In other words, a sweet dessert.

Like the macaron, I think that BaRon is very sweet.

I would like to thank every single one of you that participated in this project.

Whether you participate in just one part or in numerous parts.

I am so incredibly grateful.

It was my first time organizing such a project so there were a lot of times when I wasn't sure how to proceed with certain aspects.

But because of VAMPZ's love and support, I was able to complete the project with good results!

I can only hope that BaRon will be happy with the final project.


Here are the results of the project!

To see the full image, right click then select 

'open image in a new tab'.

The following is a complete list of every participant in BaRon's birthday project~

IDs will be listed in alphabetical order.

6201447440  |  _corinna96  |  _unikay_  |  19911222_  |  abriiojeda  |  adleaac  |  aish_xo_02  |  akookielah  |  alexl_SWL7  |  alexlgram  |  alisaagussalim  |  alvichii  |  asakura_misaki  |  ash_tin  |  AynoFindsMeSexy  |  babyziuVAV  |  Balahyun  |  BAPGNCD  |  Baronvav  |  Beloved_Galaxy  |  brenalvarez11  |  bubb1991  |  caistarbright  |  camisad0x  |  captaintabouli  |  Cathy_Jeean  |  CherryBonBon102  |  chocshua  |  chuhyeokjin  |  ChurroGZB  |  cutevelvet  |  cypherofcards  | damn_min  |  dayonefelix  |  dczendeadroses  |  diaryvav  |  edgarastray  |  Emma_hulm  |  extalia  |  floralyong  |  frachicca  |  gom._24  |  hakyeon_gameset  |  hoonie.sc  |  hufflebam  |  hyunnieebee  |  i.qra.  |  iamaisy_  |  IllegalLouie  |  imgehres  |  imintrauma  |  iole.anthos  |  Itsseoulmates  |  ivanbonfim.99  |  Ixhho  |  jessalem1  |  jieyuns  |  khosungi  |  KillingBad  |  kimhyojong_  |  kirkandre_twt  |  krystafor  |  ladracezca  |  latoyapewap  |  le_sooperdooper  |  lisztomaniaaac  |  littlenugget309  |  llysh04_8  |  loumaniac  |  lualovespugs  |  Lutmil4  |  magsdata  |  maidcc  |  maytsuri  |  minsuga0309__  |  Mirlinish  |  mybeloved_galaxy  |  myungieyeol  |  nacults  |  NatashaSasha19  |  Nehal_ELF  |  neviu_  |  Nhiseven115  |  nico_hlbr  |  ninarapsodia  |  omopansy  |  pray4sanchez  |  pupupipo  |  Rxbyjh  |  saintgeumhyuk  |  sarah.beara.91  |  sawsomesas  |  saythenxme  |  seongstellation  |  seungsoul  |  snaicy  |  Spf_93  |  StarlightUni  |  still2ines  |  sugarflower123  |  SvtnJnghn  |  taesthet  |  temsiri_may  |  theboyziive  |  TheShyGuyZico  |  ulltptgs  |  UltAyno  |  ultchunghyeob  |  vampy_wooyoung  |  vav_bibi  |  vav_inni  |  vav_ms  |  vavarelit  |  Vaventhusiast  |  vavs92line  |  vavsayno  |  vavsflower  |  vavshosung  |  vavsunshine  |  vavsxiao  |  veryavidvampz  |  waves.1773  |  whadupkrease  |  whewtaewoon  |  wueree  |  xnminseok  |  xXxRei_24xXx  |  yajeongin  |  yin_ning99  |  ziutopia  |  ZVan510  |  zzerocoke  |  지현
